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Call for Abstracts for Oral and Poster Presentations

On behalf of the Association for Temperate Agroforestry (, we invite interested persons to submit abstracts for the 14th North American Agroforestry Conference via email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Deadline to submit your abstract is March 20th 2015.

Online conference registration will open December 1st 2014, with early registration ending April 10th 2015. Regular registration will end on May 15th 2015. The conference registration link is:

The conference will be held May 31 – June 3, 2015 at the Holiday Inn Ames Conference Center at ISU, Ames, Iowa, United States.

For more information and register for the conference, click here

Abstracts of 250 words or less are required for both oral and poster presentations. The abstracts should describe or summarize projects in temperate agroforestry, including the practices of silvopasture, riparian buffers, shelterbelts/windbreaks, forest farming or alley cropping.

Concurrent sessions will be determined from submitted abstracts, and we anticipate session themes will relate to Water Quality, Climate Change, Agroforestry Adoption, Bioenergy, Economics & Marketing, Policy, Agroforestry Production Systems, Environmental Quality, etc.

Abstracts are to be submitted between December 1st 2014 and March 1st 2015. Presenting authors will be notified of acceptance as soon as possible to allow sufficient time for early registration.

Note: Oral and poster presentations may be eligible to be included in a Special Issue of Agroforestry Systems, a peer reviewed journal, which will be published after the conference. Authors interested in publishing in this journal will have the opportunity to submit papers of journal quality. Please continue to visit the conference website for more information.

* Official language of the conference is English, all oral and poster presentations must be presented in English.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

  • Abstracts will be accepted from December 1, 2014 to March 1, 2015.
  • Abstracts are to be a maximum of 250 words.
  • Abstracts must be submitted for both oral and poster presentations.
  • Abstract submissions should pertain to temperate agroforestry.
  • Abstracts will be published in the Conference Program, which will be distributed to all participants.:

Therefore, submit your abstract according to the following format:

TITLE (capital letters, bold, centered, Times New Roman 14)

Please Circle One: Oral Poster Either


Text: abstracts must be in English, one page maximum, electronic format in MS-Word, Times New Roman 12 pt., single space, one inch margins, without underline, without bolds, scientific names in italics, justified both sides, one space between paragraphs.

Key words: xxx, yyy, zzz

1footnote (after key words, not on the bottom of the page): organization, address, country, email


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